Saturday, April 16, 2016

Creating a Product

During the course of unit 9.4 the students studied some persuasive techniques and persuasive writing.
One of the activities group 9-4 engaged in was to create a product and make an advertisement poster to present in class.
Students were very engaged in creating a name for their product, features and even a selling slogan.

Good job students!

Advertising 1 Group 9-4

Advertising 2 Group 9-4

Monday, April 11, 2016

Health Fair

On March 11, 2016 our school, Dr. Máximo Donoso Sánchez, had its Health Fair and Career day.
It was great having different professionals in the health field to help us be better informed of the benefits of healthy living.
That included the visit of therapy dogs and their caretakers. Therapy dogs visit hospitals  or the elderly and they bring comfort to those in need of love.

Therapy Dogs visit school