Friday, February 5, 2016

Awesome student leaders

The Eighteenth English Outstanding Performance District Level Competition was celebrated at the Silvia Torre School of Villalba.
Our school, Dr.Máximo Donoso Sánchez of Juana Díaz, had eleven competitors in six categories. I am extremely proud of all the work and leadership of this team. 

At the junior high level these were the participants:
Poster Contest 1st Prize winner
Darialis N. Pacheco

Poetry Recital
Keishla Izquierdo -  7-1
Spelling Bee
Gabriela Rivera-  7-2

High school Level
Poster Contest 1st  Prize winner
Arnaldo Mateo – 12-1

Oratory Contest 3rd prize winner
José L. López -  12-3

Shutter Fest Video 2nd prize winners
Cornier Medina, Juan  Miguel 
Cruz García, Jonel  Fabián   
Figueroa Mercado, Wendell  Giovanni 
Muñiz Dominicci, Judelis   
Rosado Rodríguez, Rachel  Marie 
Santiago Santiago, Cristian  Alejandro  


  1. My most sincere congratulations to all Max students, who participated Majestically in the different categories within the competence of our English Week 2016. They must always be the pride of our youth that there is talent, intelligence, determination and craving & thirst for new opportunities to bring & live in their life. They have made their performance one worthy of admiration. They are my pride, who I’ll be waiting for next year…1st prize winners!!!
    Luz Selenia García López, Facilitator

  2. I'm happy for the students , congratulations!. It is a pride for me to work with such an excellent team
